Friday, September 13, 2013


Well come! If you love games and fascinated by the more advanced gaming technology then good news; you have stepped into the right blog. We bring to you all the latest information on gaming technology and you don’t have to search around what’s new. We will take care of that and hope we will entertain you with our new existing blog about the gaming of future technology. Playing game has changed the way it is today and the way it was in late 1990s. Technology has developed and so as the gaming; from small 2 inch display to as big as 50 inch with enormous High Definition graphic display; from Nintendo, saga to play station, Xbox, Wii, PC and Nintendo 3D. Surely the way we play it has also changed, from playing individually to multiplayers and online with millions of users. It does not stop there, there is new technology coming in that will change even we play it now. Some of the upcoming technologies named such as Virtuix Omni, Oculus VR, and Microsoft illumiRoom. Stay tuned for upcoming information about those technology that will emerge in the future and we will talk about them in details individually.

Be sure to check out the below hilarious youtube video posted by some random guys on youtube commenting about the histroy of gaming to the future.


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