Friday, September 27, 2013

Jaw-dropping price tag scuppers Microsoft's IllumiRoom Xbox projector project

Microsoft has announced that its augmented reality projection IllumiRoom may not hit the stores in its current form because it is too expensive. When it comes to AusGamers Purnell, the first one for the Xbox product planning, Albert said that while technology is great to use , you set the price of most of the players in the back of a wallet . "I wouldn't expect you'll see that," said Penello referring to IllumiRoom, explaining: "It's very, very cool tech but it's, like, for a consumer, it requires projectors and things." It is these "Projector and activities", driving the price up to thousands, Penollo notes, which means that they will get the store and it is almost impossible."[IllumiRoom] is really super-neat if you're in the lab and you've got Microsoft money and you could totally set up this awesome lab, but... we looked at it, but for an average customer it's, like, thousands of dollars [for the set up]." This will serve as a disappointment to those who are looking forward to Microsoft IllumiRoom living in the past. On the walls of the room and use screenshots Kinect controls you have seen and technology-based projects. There are rumors that it will eventually one of the Xbox, but now a few years this technology may be considered outside the convention center.
Microsoft's Xbox Illumiroom Too Expensive For Consumers

Microsoft's Xbox Illumiroom Too Expensive For Consumers

By Jacky

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