Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Xbox 360 VS PS3

Xbox 360 provides incredible Microsoft Windows applications. Playstation 3 has a built in Blu-Ray player for the HD Picture with a wonderful quality of sound. They are both 7th generation game with providing stunning online game services, which are Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.

Xbox 360: -Has a flexible pricing option on purchasing games
                   -$299.99 for 4GB; $419.99 for 250GB
PS3:  +Will not cost anything to access online to play with others
                  +$249 for 160GB; $319.95 for 320GB
*PS3 win!

Type of game:
Xbox 360:  -No controller on playing games
PS3:           +Has more games from themselves (Sony)
*PS3 win!

Online service:
Xbox 360: -Xbox Live for multiplayer support, downloadable movies, music, and games, online surfing, and meeting other players
PS3:          +Play Station Network for multiplayer support, downloadable movies and game, online surfing, and meeting other players

Xbox 360:  -No
PS3:          +Yes
*PS3 win!

Video memory bandwidth:
Xbox 360:  -21.6 GBps for RAM; 256 GBps for eDRAM
PS3:           +22.4 GBps
*Xbox 360 Win!

Here is the comparison of PS3 and Xbox 360 on the lastest hot game- Grand Theft Auto 5(GTA 5)!

The quality of graphics:

The comparison of screenshots and videos, GTA 5 looks almost identical on both PS3 and Xbox 360. There are some minor differences, such as lower-quality mirror reflections on the PS3, and slightly more detailed trees on the Xbox 360. The 360 also suffers from some texture-streaming issues, probably caused bandwidth limitations, which can cause some blurrier textures. Euro gamer notes that this issue can be improved by installing the GTA 5’s Play disc to a USB drive.

The performance:

Overall, the outlook and performance of GTA 5 are almost same on both Xbox 360 and PS3. The visual quality of Xbox 360 is slightly higher than PS3, because of the Xbox’s texture streaming issues. However, although both consoles have a huge architectural differences, the ultimate decider for the seventh generation’s magnum opus title, comes down to the Xbox’s weaker ability to stream textures from DVDs.


By Myra

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